Proceedings of the Denver Museum of Natural History
Proceedings of the Denver Museum of Natural History was published between 1915 and 2002. Copyright by Denver Museum of Nature & Science.
Series 1
Volume 1
- Lincoln, F.C. The birds of Yuma County, Colorado. December, 1915.
Volume 2
- Figgins, J.D. Description of a new species of Passerculus sandwichensis savanna from South Carolina. April, 1918.
- Figgins, J.D. Description of a new subspecific form of Taxidea taxus from Colorado. April 1918.
Volume 3
- Figgins, J.D. Description of a new species of caribou from the region of the Alaska-Yukon. December, 1919.
Volume 4
- Cook, H.J. Two New Bunomastodonts from Colorado. February 15, 1922.
- Cook, H.J. A Pliocene fauna from Yuma County, Colorado, with notes on the closely related Snake Creek Beds, from Nebraska. March 31, 1922.
- Figgins, J.D. Additional notes on the status of the subspecific races of Branta Canadensis. December 15, 1922.
Volume 5
- Figgins, J.D. Some observations relative to hybrids and intergradation. June 19, 1925.
- Figgins, J.D. Some observations relative to meteorological Influences. July 20, 1925.
- Figgins, J.D. “Twice-Told Tales”. October 5, 1925.
- Abel, O. & Cook, H.J. A preliminary study of early mammals in a new fauna from Colorado. November 2, 1925.
Volume 6
- Figgins, J.D. A reply. February 8, 1926.
- Cook, H.J. A new genus of uintatheres from Colorado. February 27, 1926.
- Cook, H.J. New Eocene titanotheres from Moffat County, Colorado. March 5, 1926.
- Figgins, J.D. An item of museum history. April 16, 1926.
- Cook, H.J. A new gigantic fossil dog from Colorado. April 16, 1926.
- Figgins, J.D. That collection of geese from the San Joaquin Valley, California. December 23, 1926.
Volume 7
- Cook, H.J. A new rhinoceros of the genus Teleoceras from Colorado. February 27, 1927.
- Wetmore, A. Fossil birds from the Oligocene of Colorado. July 15, 1927.
Volume 8
- Gregory, W.K. & Cook, H.J. New material for the study of evolution: a series of primitive rhinoceros skulls (Trigonias) from the Lower Oligocene of Colorado. February 1, 1928.
- Hay, O.P. & Cook, H.J. Preliminary descriptions of fossil mammals recently discovered in Oklahoma, Texas and New Mexico, Part 1. February 2, 1928.
- Cook, H.J. A new fossil bison from Texas. March 15, 1928.
- Cook, H.J. A new longirostrine elephant from Nebraska: Trilophodon phippsi, sp. Nov. May 1, 1928.
- Cook, H.J. Note on an interesting juvenile lower jaw of Elephas cf. jeffersoni. May 2, 1928.
Volume 9
- Figgins, J.D. Proposals relative to certain subspecific groups of Carpodacus mexicanus. April 22, 1930.
- Hay, O.P. & Cook, H.J. Fossil vertebrates collected near, or in association with, human artifacts at localities near Colorado, Texas; Frederick, Oklahoma; and Folsom, New Mexico. October 20, 1930.
- Miller, F.W. A new Colorado pocket gopher of the genus Thomomys. December 14, 1930.
- Cook, H.J. New rhinoceroses from the Pliocene of Colorado and Nebraska. December 15, 1930.
- Cockerell, T.D.A. An apparently extinct Euglandina from Texas. December 16, 1930.
Volume 10
- Nininger, H.H. Two previously undescribed meteorites from Mexico. March, 1931.
- Renaud, E.B. Prehistoric flaked points from Colorado and neighboring districts. March 31, 1931.
- Figgins, J.D. A proposed standard of viewpoints from which to illustrate horned and antlered mammal skulls. September 26, 1931.
- Figgins, J.D. An additional discovery of the association of a "Folsom" artifact and fossil mammal remains. September 26, 1931.
- Oberholser, H.C. New birds from Brazil. November 13, 1931.
Volume 11
- Osborn, H.F. The "Elephas meridionalis" stage arrives in America. September 7, 1932.
- Renaud, E.B. Yuma and Folsom artifacts (new material). November 19, 1932.
- Warren, E.H. The grizzly bears of Colorado. December 22, 1932.
Volume 12
- Miller, F.W. Two new Colorado mammals. July 22, 1933.
- Figgins, J.D. A further contribution to the antiquity of man in America. August 1, 1933.
- Nininger, H.H. & Figgins, J.D. The excavation of a meteorite crater near Haviland, Kiowa County, Kansas. November 14, 1933.
- Figgins, J.D. The bison of the western area of the Mississippi Basin. December 5, 1933.
Volume 13
- Figgins, J.D. The generic status of ? Caenopus premitis. June 23, 1934.
- Figgins, J.D. Folsom and Yuma artifacts. December 29, 1934.
- Figgins, J.D. New material for the study of individual variation, from the Lower Oligocene of Colorado. December 29, 1934.
Volume 14
- Figgins, J.D. New world man. July 22, 1935.
- Figgins, J.D. Folsom and Yuma artifacts, part II. October 3, 1935.
Volume 15
- Nininger, H.H. Directions for the etching and preservation of metallic meteorites. February 1, 1936.
Volume 16
- Cross, F.C. Butterflies of Colorado. July 1, 1937.
Volume 17
- Hanington, C.H. The Colorado Museum of Natural History. An historical sketch. March 1, 1938.
Volume 18
- Bailey, A.M. The birds of Cape Prince Wales, Alaska. February 1, 1943.
- Wormington, H.M. A proposed revision of Yuma Point terminology. August 15, 1948.
Series 2
From Series 2, the Proceedings were published as single numbers, without volume numbers.
- Wormington, H.M. A reappraisal of the Fremont Culture with a summary of the archaeology of the northern periphery. May 1, 1955.
- Wormington, H.M. & Lister, R.H. Archaeological investigations on the Uncompahgre Plateau in West Central Colorado: A diachronic study of Plains-Southwest relations. March 1, 1956.
- Brown, F.M., Eff, D. & Rotger, B. Colorado butterflies, part I. September 30, 1954.
- Brown, F.M., Eff, D. & Rotger, B. Colorado butterflies, part II. March 21, 1955.
- Brown, F.M., Eff, D. & Rotger, B. Colorado butterflies, part III. October 29, 1955.
- Brown, F.M., Eff, D. & Rotger, B. Colorado butterflies, part IV. April 15, 1956.
- Brown, F.M., Eff, D. & Rotger, B. Colorado butterflies, part V. December 28, 1956.
- Irwin, C. & Irwin, H. Excavations at the LoDaisKa Site in the Denver, Colorado, area. October 1, 1959.
- Haynes, V. & Agogino, G. Geological significance of a new radiocarbon date from the Lindenmeier Site. August 15, 1960.
- Bailey, A.M. & Sorensen, J.H. Subantarctic Campbell Island. February 1, 1962.
- Wormington, H.M. & Forbis, R. An introduction to archaeology of Alberta, Canada. August 15, 1965.
- Irwin-Williams, C. & Irwin, H.J. Excavations at Magic Mountain: a diachronic study of Plains-Southwest relations. 1965.
Series 3
- Phillips, A.R. & Webb, E.A. Type material of birds in the Denver Museum of Natural History. December 1, 1991.
- Woods, S.C. & Stucky, R.K. Catalogue of the type specimens of fossil vertebrates, Denver Museum of Natural History. September 1, 1992.
- Peigler, R.S. & Kendall, R.O. A review of the genus Agapema (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae). October 15, 1993.
- Meaney, C.A. & Van Vuren, D. Recent distribution of bison in Colorado west of the Great Plains. December 15, 1993.
- Peigler, R.S. Non-sericultural uses of moth cocoons in diverse cultures. July 1, 1994.
- Jones, C.A. Type specimens of mammals in the Denver Museum of Natural History. July 1, 1994.
- Pickering, R.B. & Foster, M.S. A survey of prehistoric disease and trauma in northwest and west Mexico. July 1, 1994.
- Evans, M.A. Checklist of the Odonata of New Mexico with additions to the Colorado checklist. January 15, 1995.
- Lewis, G.E. A four-horned specimen of Antilocapra Americana. December 1, 1995.
- Finley, R.B., Jr. & Bogan, M.A. New records of terrestrial mammals in northwestern Colorado. December 1, 1995.
- Finley, R.B., Jr. The spread of raccoons (Procyon lotor hirtus) into the Colorado Plateau from the Northern Great Plains. December 1, 1995.
- Johnson, K.R. Description of seven common fossil leaf species from the Hell Creek Formation (Upper Cretaceous; Upper Maastrichtian), North Dakota, South Dakota, and Montana. April 1, 1996.
- Williamson, T.E., Lucas, S.G. & Stucky, R.K. Megalesthonyx hopsoni (Mammalia: Tillodontia) from the early Bridgerian (Gardnerbuttean) of the Wind River Formation, northeastern Wind River Basin, Wyoming. December 15, 1996.
- Hartman, J.H. The stratigraphy of Mesozoic and early Cenozoic nonmarine mollusks of Colorado. April 1, 1998.
- Ho, C. & Jones, C.A. ( eds.) Life in the Imperial Court of Qing Dynasty China. November 1, 1998.
- Ramos, C.N. Morphometric variation among some leporids (Mammalia: Lagomorpha) of North America. July 15, 1999.
Series 4:
- Evanoff, E., Gregory-Wodzicki, K.M. & Johnson, K.R. (eds.). Fossil flora and stratigraphy of the Florissant Formation, Colorado. October 1, 2001.
- Navo, K.W. The survey and evaluation of abandoned mines for bat roosts in the West: guidelines for natural resource managers. December 1, 2001.
- Jones, C.A. Mammals of the James M. John and Lake Dorothey state wildlife areas, Las Animas County, Colorado. May 24, 2002.